Dachshund Fancier

Get your home “puppy-ready” for a new dachshund puppy

PHOTO: Courtesy of pexels-pixabay-257519

PHOTO: Courtesy of pexels-pixabay-257519 Get Your Home “Puppy-Ready” for a New Dachshund Pupy As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualified sales at NO additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualified sales at NO additional cost to you.

Can a “Backyard Breeder” Produce a Good Dachshund Puppy?

Short-coated Brown Dog Beside Coconut Shell

PHOTO: Courtesy of Pexels.com BY: Bruno Ticianelli Can a ‘Backyard Breeder’ Produce a Good Dachshund Puppy? As an amazon associate, I earn from qualified sales. Can a ‘Backyard Breeder’ Produce a Good Dachshund Puppy? When looking for a new furry friend, it’s essential to consider where your puppy comes from. “Backyard breeders” is a term […]

When should I consider an Orthopedic Dog Bed for my aging dachshund?

Cute dachshund sitting on sofa at home in

PHOTO: Courtesy of Pexels By: Skylar Kang When should I consider an Orthopedic Dog Bed for my aging dachshund? As an Amazon Affilliate, I earn commission from qualified sales. When Should You Consider an Orthopedic Dog Bed for Your Aging Dachshund? As a dachshund owner, you know the joy and companionship these spirited little dogs […]

10 best orthopedic dog beds for your aging dachshund

Black and Brown Long Coated Dog Lying on Carpet

PHOTO: Courtesy of Pexels.com BY: Alfo Medeiros Ten (10) Best Orthopedic Dog Beds For your aging dachshund As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from Qualified Sales We checked out several Orthopedic Dog Beds, to think about for your aging dachshund.   Our recommendations were based on Amazon’s number sold for that particular product, customer ratings, reviews, […]

Understanding Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dachshunds

Brown Long Coated Dog Lying on White Blue Textile

PHOTO: Courtesy of Pexels.com By: Roman Odintsov Understanding Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dachshunds Advertising Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualified sales at NO additional cost to you. The scientific and medical communities have known about Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) for over one hundred (100) years.   And research points to the fact […]